Carr Bridge, Scotland 2018
“Decades ago Scotland came in as a dream, a longing, a “one day”.”
Starting in the Fall of 2017, Scotland called me, the mountains beseeched me, and with a full heart I said yes.
The retreat was a year and a half in the space of creation, and I listened, listened to Mountains in that far away Land. Granite ancient, the oldest stone and rock in the world above the sea. Scotland holds timeless mysteries and as one became two, then eight… some of those ancient times were revealed to our Merry group of meditative adventurers.
The Cairngorm Mountains
A light was lit in the Mountain like the brilliance of a light house. The ancient Pines whispered of time before, and a forgotten circle of stones showed sacred gatherings of old.
Deep listening and joining with life in Expanded Awareness led us to an unknown stone circle because a Reindeer header asked me what our group was doing in Scotland. Knowing in that instant to be clear and transparent…I spoke of our journey with meditation and mysteries contained in the land.
This allowed her to say, “do you know about the circle in the farmer’s field? I think it is the best one in our area, hardly ever visited.” I didn’t know about it, and when we returned to our vehicles hours later after being with the reindeer and the wide expanse of the mountains, she made a point to help me write down the directions for our group.
Reindeer in the Cairngorm Mountains
Being with the Reindeer on the land was a favorite outing for our retreat in Sept/Oct. 2018
One of my adventurers said, “how did you do that?” I replied, my intuition showed me to drop to the back of our group, and she asked me what we were doing in Scotland.” That’s how it unfolded in our journey “Following the Land Through Time, listening deeply and having listened deeply in the visioning process while building the travel portions of the retreat.
The field near the hidden stone circle, Scotland 2018
If you travel to Scotland, please take time in the stillness of your heart to listen, listen deeply. The ancient wisdoms of the land wait.
They wait for the ones who can meet the frequency of when the imprints of life were forged.
Most wait for life to come to them… why not stop, quiet and meet the land like a long-lost friend, and unite. The land of Scotland will meet you if you listen as I did, to a dream, a calling and crafting for eight to Unite and “Follow the Land through Time”.
You can do the same, mysteries wait for the gift of your deep silence.
“Following the Land through Time” Scotland retreat 2018