Any Where & Any Time Zone
Appointments by video, telephone, or email
Call Carrie Ann at (530) 273-8471 for more information.
As an Energy Practitioner, all offerings and sessions involve shifting or identifying patterns of light & information. The Cafe of Life readings are also full of processes to align you energetically and directly with information & possibilities.
More, and more we are moving into greater comprehension about unify principles in consciousness and science. Solidity of physical matter becomes smaller and smaller in particle size until now we are in the field of light, of streaming information in a Holographic view.
This view works for Carrie Ann, although we could just as easily say “energy work”, yet it doesn’t touch on the fullness of what is possible in the field of consciousness.
Esoteric Acupuncture is performed by a number of non-needle energy practitioners, so we know how effective activating the points with out needles can be. Carrie Ann utilizes several methods when setting the patterns at a distance.
Reading: “Cafe of Life”
Who & what are a part of your Cafe of Life?
Carrie Ann was given the pieces of this reading in a rush of information infusion one day after her morning meditation. She developed the format with the aid of a Muse from the 'other realities'. Although we are taking a reading on your available Landscape of friends, energies to shift or incorporate and symbols unique to you, it too builds a juncture with energy as well to aid your alignment to your clarity & possibilities.
Available in office or “at a distance” spring 2020, this is an appointment session is only available via conference call, telephone or email. This reading is a wonderful space that gets into making available to us "behind the scenes" and what might be shifting in your life path. Perceiving in a holographic way with light & information as our guide, allows for mystery to unfold giving both clues and alignment to your focus for the session together.
Cafe of Life: Reading in person & online
Esoteric Acupuncture & Light body clearing 2020
Available in office or “at a distance” spring 2020 , this is an appointment session is only available via conference call, telephone or email. This acupuncture does not need to be used with physical needles and is readily useful at a distance.
Online, telephone & email sessions available
Property Alignment & Enhancement
Is your home and land of your property the light that restores and balances you?
Click here for more information
Adding this Dowsing 30 minute session for Spring 2020
Dowsing is an ancient art that is very relevant for the time we are living. We can do so much clearing, aligning, bringing in positivity and stay balanced working with dowsing.
Consider Well Being Wednesday to meet Carrie Ann & experience her methods, or jump into this affordable way to shift and grow. Contact
As A Trance Medium:
Tips, Tools & Transmissions