Carrie Ann

Licensed Acupuncturist, Energy Practitioner Teacher & Group Leader

Specialist in Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing provided in person & “at a Distance”

Telephone appointments & Zoom Groups available

                As one client reported, “I could not find an Acupuncturist offering Esoteric Acupuncture any closer than the Bay area other than you.”

3 day Immersion 2015 offered in Sedona & Verde Valley

3 day Immersion 2015 offered in Sedona & Verde Valley

Carrie Ann’s Purpose:

I am dedicated to aiding others with their growth into freedom.

Freedom comes from knowing deep within our heart, our inherent well-being, no matter the circumstances.

I am an Explorer, I sail the seas & waters of consciousness with clear navigation.

I now aid others to do the same for themselves by growing and expanding becoming the truth of themselves.

I empower your Inner Intuitive Leadership and look forward to guiding you to your own Exploration and discover of your own clear internal navigation!

Leaping While Flying is 2025


Carrie Ann is a Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.) with the State of California & NCCAOM
with a Diplomate
in Oriental Medicine (Dipl OM)

and a Master of Science
in Traditional Chinese Medicine (MS. TCM).


As a Licensed Acupuncturist &

experienced Energy


Esoteric Acupuncture and Your Holographic Landscape Appointments are still being offered.

 Call (530) 273-8471 to schedule an appointment.


Voted Best Acupuncturist 5 times! 4 years in a row. 2017-2013 +


Readers of The Union Newspaper


Why a Trance Medium?

Always drawn to the mystical and magical behind the scenes edges of reality, Carrie Ann’s advancement on her spiritual journey has brought to her to a joining with a wise group of beings and energies who are representatives of many worlds. “When life came calling a second time with the Mediumship and Trance work, I knew deep in my heart it was an important yes. There were many yes’ that I completed to be able to bring Sarrissa through in a clear and undiluted manner”.

Their experiences and retreats together produces shared words, energy, tips and perspectives for this transformational time we are living.

Some call this channeling, we call it Public Speaking....we arrive, and speak in Public.
-Sarrissa 2012