2 Wednesdays every Month 10:30am or 5:30pm available PST
3rd & 4th Wednesdays
Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing
Virtual Group Session
Monthly online Zoom/Telephone
Expand & Awaken
Affordable $20.00 exchange
Register here
$20.00 Paypal here
no one turned away due to financial concerns, simply register and make a note on the form
“What you seek is seeking you.”
Well Being Wednesday is coming forth as a response to the call of the times we are living.
Evermore we need to stay Balanced, Aligned & Connected life is calling us to be this way.
Personal Note from Carrie Ann: This is now taking 2 forms of sessions
Esoteric Acupuncture information for Well Being Wednesday can be found here
Those of you who have had online Virtual Appointments with me over the past five years know, that many aspects of life may and do show up in our sessions together. As we are always changing, so are our sessions. I have updated all offerings online for now Spring 2020 here, Well Being Wednesday is a small part of how I could be of service in this changing time.
The key is this Wednesday group session will follow “my working in the field” meaning, the session will have it’s own form and flow directed by the energy & patterns of the group of people who join in.
It is said that Einstein knew that the Unified field he believed was true would be confirmed in the time beyond him. We know so much more about the interconnectedness via science now…just like the Ancients have always spoken about.
You may bring personal concerns and I will direct you how we will include those in the group setting. Many different tools and things I have learned may or may not show up each time, and we will follow a general format of balance, align & connect. I will teach something new each group session that is meant to be practical and easy to apply in your life if you get interested in it.
The connect portion of our Zoom session is both the value we say in Chinese Medicine of the potent nature of group Qi, as well as individually staying connected in our own lives & my reaching into being a Medium. Balancing between realms is part of what I have developed from my youth and messages via Mediumship will be offered at the end of the group session. I cannot say at this time if they will be individual messages or in benefit to the whole group.
My cosmology does include bright light beings who aid us, angels, master teachers, spirit guides, guides from collectives such as The Wisdom Keepers, ancestor guardians and life from mutual realms such as fairies, elementals and beings of nature.
Life is calling to us to Unite, and in this offering we will.
Please join me to support all of our growth and change on Well Being Wednesday!
5:30pm pacific time on Zoom ongoing for 2020
$20.00 paypal
no one turned away due to financial concerns
Register here
Paypal here
My plan is to be stronger, more clear and more aware through this time we are living.
Join me!
Warmly, Carrie Ann
Well Being Wednesday has started 2020 5:30pm pacific time