Clarity Selenite Creations Image Gallery
These are some close up of prior and current Available Tools for Your Empowerment!!
I have a website under construction to have more detailed information on the available Selenite tools for you. Currently there are four different categories and custom orders are available.
In fact I am happily fulfilling custom orders at this time.
Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing Specialist in Grass Valley, CA
Thank you for your open, curiosity and attention to visit and learn from this blog about Esoteric Acupuncture.
Specializing in a regional area where there are many great Acupuncturists makes, sense.
Specializing in Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy healing in an area where we have a Yogananda center, yoga farm, meditation centers, organic farms, a multitude of yoga studios and health food stores makes sense and fits well.
Although I encourage people to follow what makes sense to them, my mode of living with my intuition and energy awareness brought me to specializing in this consciousness expanding & heart deepening Way. The pathless path of past mystical schools unites in our time. Esoteric Acupuncture draws from a number of the paths of ancient wisdom.
Between reading “The Gateway to Expanded Healing, Esoteric Acupuncture Volume 1” by Dr. Mikio Sankey in my second year of Master’s program in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (read that synchronicity here) and April of 2016 for my first Intensive training many helpful pieces emerged in my life.
The timeless beauty of weaving a tapestry is the same in our own lives and development.
All these pieces have woven into a supportive tapestry for my knowledge base, as well as supporting clients that choose Esoteric Acupuncture and the many threads of Energy systems that become alive in the tapestry of our sessions.
Being able to “Be in the field” and holding a Holographic awareness with clients or in groups has been a very crucial piece I came to not long after receiving my license for Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine.
As Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing supports our multidimensional nature as humans so effectively, it truly is a vibrant path for our time.
““To understand how acupuncture can affect consciousness, we must first understand that consciousness stored as memory does not need a physical location to survive. This means that consciousness is not exclusively stored in the brain. Since consciousness does not need a physical location to survive, consciousness will outlive a physical cell. This stored memory can be stepped down and accessed as information. Information is merely another form of Qi. We are interested in turning this memory into knowledge, then into wisdom. Esoteric Acupuncture is particularly designed to access Qi stored as information.” ”
Please join me in “Being the Light of what’s Possible for you” and begin Esoteric Acupuncture sessions and meditation courses yourself.
Shine your light and be the delight you came here to be.
"Scotland a dream": Deep Listening through the Land & Time
Carr Bridge, Scotland 2018
“Decades ago Scotland came in as a dream, a longing, a “one day”.”
Starting in the Fall of 2017, Scotland called me, the mountains beseeched me, and with a full heart I said yes.
The retreat was a year and a half in the space of creation, and I listened, listened to Mountains in that far away Land. Granite ancient, the oldest stone and rock in the world above the sea. Scotland holds timeless mysteries and as one became two, then eight… some of those ancient times were revealed to our Merry group of meditative adventurers.
The Cairngorm Mountains
A light was lit in the Mountain like the brilliance of a light house. The ancient Pines whispered of time before, and a forgotten circle of stones showed sacred gatherings of old.
Deep listening and joining with life in Expanded Awareness led us to an unknown stone circle because a Reindeer header asked me what our group was doing in Scotland. Knowing in that instant to be clear and transparent…I spoke of our journey with meditation and mysteries contained in the land.
This allowed her to say, “do you know about the circle in the farmer’s field? I think it is the best one in our area, hardly ever visited.” I didn’t know about it, and when we returned to our vehicles hours later after being with the reindeer and the wide expanse of the mountains, she made a point to help me write down the directions for our group.
Reindeer in the Cairngorm Mountains
Being with the Reindeer on the land was a favorite outing for our retreat in Sept/Oct. 2018
One of my adventurers said, “how did you do that?” I replied, my intuition showed me to drop to the back of our group, and she asked me what we were doing in Scotland.” That’s how it unfolded in our journey “Following the Land Through Time, listening deeply and having listened deeply in the visioning process while building the travel portions of the retreat.
The field near the hidden stone circle, Scotland 2018
If you travel to Scotland, please take time in the stillness of your heart to listen, listen deeply. The ancient wisdoms of the land wait.
They wait for the ones who can meet the frequency of when the imprints of life were forged.
Most wait for life to come to them… why not stop, quiet and meet the land like a long-lost friend, and unite. The land of Scotland will meet you if you listen as I did, to a dream, a calling and crafting for eight to Unite and “Follow the Land through Time”.
You can do the same, mysteries wait for the gift of your deep silence.
“Following the Land through Time” Scotland retreat 2018
Tips to prepare for a Reading, Holographic Landscape session or seeing a Medium
Be welcome here.
Thank you for joining this topic and visiting this information.
What follows are a few things to aid your experience of an appointment with an Intuitive professional.
Take time and space to become clear about your purpose in having the appointment, reading or session. If you are going to a Psychic Fair to see what it is like, still take time to come up with a specific question or target before you arrive.
Why? A target will get you more specific information. "Specific is Terrific" could be a good way to remember it. You want genuine help right? You are putting yourself in an open position to receive information, energy or healing, and you truly know best what to focus on.
That honors your process of self discovery and empowerment, you know the answers, you just need some help, or a boost to get clarity. Sometimes it is about hearing something in a different way or something forgotten that worked before comes to light.
That being said, what comes forth from a session or reading might be off your still have the answers, yet what comes forth might just be off you radar. Ultimately you decide what to do with the information if it is a reading. I always record all my Holograhic Landscape sessions as well as provide the recordings from all the classes and experiences from Sarrissa & The Assembly. If you are just not sure about a reading you had, wait a few weeks and listen again...even if the reader or intuitive is not an energy practitioner like I am, exchange of energy still happens. It might just shift things beyond your current focus.
How many times have I heard, " I wasn't clear about the words, or wording, then later it struck me what it meant!!"
A temple at Delphi where petitioners would ask questions to the Oracle
Once you are clear about your target, and you feel like you resonate with the Reader or the session to be offered, then, let go all expectations. Get the appointment recorded, ask for that to be provided. That let's your mind relax and not stress on getting it right, there may be many ah-ha's you get, or detailed information about a deceased family member you might what to confirm later.
"Did Uncle Henry have a favorite blue sweater you gave him Mom?"
Whan you let go of expectations you are free to experience.
If it is your first reading or session you might be a little nervous or stirred up that is totally normal. Well, Spirit and Life are kind, loving and supportive. Messages may be direct yet kindly delivered, guides, ancestors, Angels your Immortal Self all know you are a bit nervous.... they will be kind, because they are kind. Their perspective may be a broader than ours, and they respect us for incarnating and doing the best we can. If you want to grow or know yourself better, they are here to help.
We all are.
My Holographic Landscape sessions involve energy and transformation, because that is what I do both professionally, and how I live Life. Energy is Life and Life is Energy & Information is both. The way information we can hear and information we call energy we can feel is still the formation of Life.
After you reading or session, you might leave a bit dazed or expanded in your spirit/aura. Take a few minutes to walk around before driving, have some water, and maybe sit for a few minutes in case inspiration strikes and you want to write something down.
Hold space open in your calendar after and not rush back to work for example. Respect yourself and your process let it continue to unfold.
If you heard something odd, give it a few weeks like mentioned above, and then if it still seems off, it might be... or you may not be ready to hear what was said. Use your own common sense and discernment about what transpired and what come forth. You are Empowered here.
Be well, Life is.
Mother Earth Minerals
I finally found a line of liquid angstrom sized Minerals to enhance our well being and they hold a high vibration!
A favorite place in the High Sierra Mts.
Mother Earth Minerals has the research and knowledge behind holding more light in our systems adding traces of what is 'missing' for many people.
Click Here to view their products
See if they resonate for you. Thank you for using the link above.
Interview on "Your Holographic Landscape" with Carrie Ann on The Simply Living Wellness Podcast
Please listen to this fun and balancing podcast! Thank you.
Scotland one space available
We begin a wonderful adventure in the Highlands of Scotland on September 25th 2018 for 7 days and 6 nights! We will be "Following the Land Through Time" being with Sarrissa and The Assembly expanding and remembering together in a magical small group excursion.
Read more here
Testimonial from today's interview with Grace Garneau June 8th 2018
Wow...I just watched the interview with Grace.... it was awesome........and I learned two new things to use.....thanks for telling me about the summit......this was the third interview I've listened to...and I'm so glad you were a part of it all..!!
S. K.
There is still time to join in and experience great speakers: you can register here
Tomorrow June 8th 2018 Catch the interview with Grace Garneau
Access your Higher Guidance interview is tomorrow! June 8th 2018 please join us to listen to Carrie Ann's tips on expanding your Intuition and the other wonderful speakers on this free summit. You can still listen in click here