Cafe of Life Reading FAQ
Cafe of LIfe:
Some ponderings of FAQ
We start with a target. That could be you, your creative project, your business or your location- home or business. A FAQ conversation follows.
Could we have a session “just because or I felt guided to you”? Absolutely.
“What about my animal companion can you help”?
I could set a Cafe of Life session for your animal companion, although more likely, I would suggest a trusted colleague. My tuning is more to the resonance of people, places & the Natural Landscape.
Where do we meet?
Currently only available Virtually 2020
telephone, online or email.
In my quiet office or at the Cafe hopefully in the year 2021.
I am only offering in person Acupuncture, all groups and other appointments are Virtual in 2020. Remember Esoteric Acupuncture Advanced Energy Healing appointments are available Virtually.
“Carrie Ann is a highly skilled practitioner in so many realms, she is also a dear dear friend. As I’ve watched her journey of transformation unfold by following her heart and her guidance, I’ve experienced her classes and workshops as safe, loving and grounded containers for healing, transformation, expansion, exploration and fun. I experience an energy of deep integrity, love and caring as the very fabric of what Carrie Ann offers.”
Cafe of Life: Reading telephone & online