“I wanted to share with you my experiences with Carrie Ann and Sarrissa, I have found spending time that Sarrissa brings fourth great insights. It is such a comfort and there is always ease and grace in all she brings through. Time easily slips away and an hour could feel like only moments. It is not easy for me typically to relax and have such experiences but it is very likely to occur when you are with Sarrissa. What is unseen becomes much more familiar to us. Sarrissa provides us with expanded ways of thinking so that we are able to access the abundant support and healing the benevolent universe wishes for us. Sarrissa breaks through the barriers we humans so easily layer and impose upon ourselves. The connection to the divine intelligence that surrounds us becomes clearer, often in ways have not considered. Sarrissa brings fourth profound teachings and “AH HA” moments often present themselves. In contemplating my time with Sarrissa I must say I always feel my spirits are lifted, challenges are put into perspective and a resounding sense of healing, hopefulness and inspiration always flows fourth. I invite you and encourage you to share in this rich expansive experience.”