About Carrie Ann Smith
I found Acupuncture in my early 20's and was impressed by both the body's ability to heal and the method that was applied to my injury.
I was interested in Nutrition as I was an athlete living in Boulder Colorado in the 1980's and really looking back, my journey with holistic health and healing began there.
I found Medicine and client care in my 30's or maybe, it is as they say, your calling finds you.
I reentered school in 1999 and began the Master's Program in 2001 in Oakland at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences. We completed a four year degree in three years, totaling over 3,000 hours and 300 patient treatments.
Graduation was August of 2004 and then I happily passed the next 5 hour licensing exam that was offered in January of 2005, whew!
As I had been employed by a physician before my training I was hired in a holistic medical office where I spent 5 1/2 years performing my trained methods of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as learning about Functional Medicine and specialty laboratory testing.
I have enjoyed my own office and providing in-depth individualized wellness and care for the last seven years in Grass Valley.
Each year that goes by I am more and more inspired by this Medicine of Acupuncture and how wise so many of the practitioners who came before me were.
In California we are Licensed by the Medical Board to perform Acupuncture. Although I also sat for and passed the National Examination, in California you must be Licensed by our State Process.
In California we are "Licensed Acupuncturists" and now there is a PH.d designation of Doctor, but most of us have the standard designation.
In our area we have many good Acupuncturists and many caring holistic healthcare providers. I hope this aids you in some way on your personal journey with innate health and wellness.
Warmly, Carrie Ann